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TUTORIAL: les journaux

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 2:15 pm
by NatakuSq
Voilà, j'ai l'habitude de mettre des journaux dans mes modules donc ca me parait simple mais si il en a qui ne savent pas, voilà la démarche à suivre:

quand vous ouvrez dans mes, gamenewpaper, vous voyez celà:
// This message file contains text to be used in game-supplied newspapers
// Only the message line numbers 1000 or higher are valid
// Each new newspaper begins on a multiple of 10, and can use up to 10
// lines, which must be consecutive. The first line is always the main
// headline, while the 9 remaining lines go into 4 columns of the paper.
// Format: each line begins with a font number and justification letter,
// followed by the text for that line.

// Some font numbers to use:
// 490 Extra Large Headline
// 486 Large Headline
// 492 Normal Headline
// 483 Story Body
// 488 Clip Art 0-6

// Justification letters (you must use one)
// l = left
// c = center

// NOTE: The first blocks, 0 thru 999, are reserved for UI use

// News Paper Type 1
{1}{[ NEWS ]}
{2}{Price 2 Coins}
{3}{The Best Source of News-worthy Items in Arcanum}

// News Paper Type 2
{4}{[ TIMES ]}
{5}{All the News That is Fit to Print}

// filler articles
{10}{492c _ WEATHER _}
{11}{483l The Meteorological Service Bureau of Tarant is Predicting sunny weather for the next Two to Three days, with an increasing Chance of Precipitation before the Passage of a Fortnight.}
{12}{492c _ TAX INCREASE _}
{13}{483l The Parliament is again considering Raising the Levy of Incomes in Tarant by another 2 coins for every 100 earned. The Speaker has refuted all Public Criticism of the Increase, by Citing the importance of Public Works projects currently underway.}
{15}{483l There will be a City Council meeting this Friday which is Open to the Public. The Meeting will commence sharply at 7pm.}
{17}{483l The Tarantian would like to take this Opportunity to remind its Gentle Reader that all letters to Editor do not necessarily Reflect the views of the Newspaper or its Owner, Sir William Willaby.}
{18}{492c _ PROHIBITION _}
{19}{483l The spectre of Prohibition has risen once again, as Parliament considers a Bill to ban the sales of Spirits in the confines of the City proper. Supporters of the Bill cite increased Crime and Work Absenteeism figures as the principle Show of Cause for the bill, while its Critics cite similiar Statistics during the last Prohibition era over 30 years ago.}
{21}{483l The Engineering School of the University of Tarant is holding a Distinguished Speaker Series this semester. Interested parties are invited to contact the University Registrar for more Information.}
{22}{492c _ CHARITY BALL _}
{23}{483l The Ladies Society of Tarant will once again hold a Charity Ball this Saturday evening. This Event will benefit Orphans and Survivors of Foreign Wars. Festivities will begin at 8pm. Strict dress code will be enforced.}
{24}{492c _ TIDAL FIGURES _}
{25}{483l High tides will occur at 6:15am and 7:30pm today, with low tides at approximately 1:05pm and 25 minutes after midnight. Full tidal charts can be found on page 8.}

//Game Related Newspapers
//Use lines 1000-4990
//Generic Newspapers Start at line 5000

{1000}{490c SAMPLE HEADLINE!}
{1001}{492c _ Place subheading here _}
{1002}{483l And here's the text of the story. It's pretty exciting!}

{1021}{492c _ THIEVES STILL AT LARGE _}
{1022}{483l Late on Tuesday evening, the mansion of Mr. James and Mrs. Evelyn Garringsburg, at 37 Devonshire Way, was broken into by thieves and ransacked, according to sources close to the family. Among the many items stolen was the famed 'Kerghan and Persephone', painted by Pizarro. Sold last year at Renaud's for a reputed 50,000 gold pieces, the painting was the show piece of the Garringsburg gallery.
Mr. Garringsburg, a long-standing member of the Wellington Gentlemen's Club, had this to say--"You can be assured that the perpetrators of this heinous crime will be brought to justice, and that reparations will be made." Mrs. Garringburg was unavailable for comment.
The Garringsburgs have offered a 300 gold piece reward. This crime is only the latest of many art-related robberies, which have included the "Lorek in repose" statue, and the Blendom Vase.}

//Generic Newspapers

{5001}{492c _ EXCESSIVE USE OF FORCE? _}
{5002}{483l Yesterday, the Tarantian Guard was called in to control a riotous protest on the steps of City Hall. The group who organized the protest, the Friends of Magick, had amassed there in the morning, shouting obscenities and throwing various technological objects.
The Guard, responding to complaints of the protest, arrived on the scene about an hour after the protest began, wielding guns and cudgels. Minutes later, there was mass chaos with agitators on both sides. When the smoke cleared, three protestors were dead.
The protest was in response to the growing number of factories in Tarant, and the adverse afrects they are having on the city's air. "We'll not stand for it any longer," said Josiah Hummel, the Friends spokesperson. "Tarant is our city, too."
The Captain of the Tarantian Guard had this to say. "The Guard is here to protect the city, whatever her air is like. Any other bleedin' hearts here in the city can expect the same treatment."}

{5011}{492c _ LEARNED MAGE SPEAKS OUT _}
{5012}{483l As of late there have been many rumors concerning the sightings and indeed the very existence of what have come to be called "heavier than air craft". Many of these accounts describe craft that are "bird shaped", and create quite a clamor. Because we here at the Tarantian have received so many letters concerning these "sightings" or phenomena, we decided to consult an expert in the field, Master Mage Krolus Brajercliff.
He is a master in both the colleges' of Air and Conveyance. When asked about these mysterious craft, Master Brajercliff informed us that such a contrivance was simply not possible, and he supplied us with the following. "Even a commoner knows that birds' bones are hollow, and filled with air. Even so, does it not have to exert itself greatly? Even the best of those retched new "engines" wouldn't have one tenth the power needed. No I'm afraid that the only way the common man can achieve flight is through the use of one of those most dangerous and inconvenient lighter-than-air ships, or through the rigorous study of Magick."
We at the Tarantian thank Master Brajercliff for sharing his thoughts and insights concerning this.}

Commencez par effacez l'interieur de l'article 5000:

{5001}{492c _ EXCESSIVE USE OF FORCE? _}
{5002}{483l Yesterday, the Tarantian Guard was called in to control a riotous protest on the steps of City Hall. The group who organized the protest, the Friends of Magick, had amassed there in the morning, shouting obscenities and throwing various technological objects.
The Guard, responding to complaints of the protest, arrived on the scene about an hour after the protest began, wielding guns and cudgels. Minutes later, there was mass chaos with agitators on both sides. When the smoke cleared, three protestors were dead.
The protest was in response to the growing number of factories in Tarant, and the adverse afrects they are having on the city's air. "We'll not stand for it any longer," said Josiah Hummel, the Friends spokesperson. "Tarant is our city, too."
The Captain of the Tarantian Guard had this to say. "The Guard is here to protect the city, whatever her air is like. Any other bleedin' hearts here in the city can expect the same treatment."}

{5011}{492c _ }

Dans la partie {5000}{490c}, vous ecrirez le gros titre du journal:

{5000}{490c Le drame de tarante.}

Puis vous écrivez le titre de l'article principal (Ex: Bombe dans Tarante)Ici:

{5001}{492c _Bombe dans Tarante_ }

Puis vous commencerez l'article principal ici:

{5002}{483lUne explosion a reveillé les haabitants de Tarante à trois heures du matin. Le sol de la ville à tremblé, des immeubles sont endommagés.}

Puis, si vous le désirez, un second paragraphe:

{5003}{483La maison de monsieur bastien est détruite. Son assureur lui renbourse 5 millions.}

Etc... Jusqu'à avoir votre article principal complet.

Cela vous donne:

{5000}{490cLe drame de tarante.}
{5001}{492c _Bombe dans Tarante }
{5002}{483lUne explosion a reveillé les haabitants de Tarante à trois heures du matin. Le sol de la ville à tremblé, des immeubles sont endommagés.}
{5003}{483La maison de monsieur bastien est détruite. Son assureur lui renbourse 5 millions.}
Bien sur, ceci n'est qu'un exemple donc il est bien sur insufisement long.

Passons aux petits articles:

Vous remontez vers la partie Filler Articles:
// filler articles
{10}{492c _ WEATHER _}
{11}{483l The Meteorological Service Bureau of Tarant is Predicting sunny weather for the next Two to Three days, with an increasing Chance of Precipitation before the Passage of a Fortnight.}
{12}{492c _ TAX INCREASE _}
{13}{483l The Parliament is again considering Raising the Levy of Incomes in Tarant by another 2 coins for every 100 earned. The Speaker has refuted all Public Criticism of the Increase, by Citing the importance of Public Works projects currently underway.}
{15}{483l There will be a City Council meeting this Friday which is Open to the Public. The Meeting will commence sharply at 7pm.}
{17}{483l The Tarantian would like to take this Opportunity to remind its Gentle Reader that all letters to Editor do not necessarily Reflect the views of the Newspaper or its Owner, Sir William Willaby.}
{18}{492c _ PROHIBITION _}
{19}{483l The spectre of Prohibition has risen once again, as Parliament considers a Bill to ban the sales of Spirits in the confines of the City proper. Supporters of the Bill cite increased Crime and Work Absenteeism figures as the principle Show of Cause for the bill, while its Critics cite similiar Statistics during the last Prohibition era over 30 years ago.}
{21}{483l The Engineering School of the University of Tarant is holding a Distinguished Speaker Series this semester. Interested parties are invited to contact the University Registrar for more Information.}
{22}{492c _ CHARITY BALL _}
{23}{483l The Ladies Society of Tarant will once again hold a Charity Ball this Saturday evening. This Event will benefit Orphans and Survivors of Foreign Wars. Festivities will begin at 8pm. Strict dress code will be enforced.}
{24}{492c _ TIDAL FIGURES _}
{25}{483l High tides will occur at 6:15am and 7:30pm today, with low tides at approximately 1:05pm and 25 minutes after midnight. Full tidal charts can be found on page 8.}

Chaque petit article conte deux lignes, ici la 10 et la 11:
{10}{492c _ WEATHER _}
{11}{483l The Meteorological Service Bureau of Tarant is Predicting sunny weather for the next Two to Three days, with an increasing Chance of Precipitation before the Passage of a Fortnight.}

La dix représente le titre: WEATHER. La seconde l'article. Gardez la sucture en effacant le titre et l'article:
{10}{492c _ _}
{11}{483l }

ls sont bien sur en anglais, vous pouvez les changer ou juste les traduire:
{10}{492c _ Météo _}
{11}{483l Les météorologues prévoient un temps chaud et ensolleié durant quinze jours.}
Puis, reccomencez avec le suivant:

{12}{492c _ Fait divers _}
{13}{483l Une adolescente est morte d'empoisonement à tarante. Elle aurait avalait accidentelement de la mort au rat dans sa cave.}


Enfin, la présentation du journal:

Remontez jusquà avoir ceci:

// News Paper Type 1
{1}{[ NEWS ]}
{2}{Price 2 Coins}
{3}{The Best Source of News-worthy Items in Arcanum}

// News Paper Type 2
{4}{[ TIMES ]}
{5}{All the News That is Fit to Print}

Videz d'abord les acolades:
// News Paper Type 1

// News Paper Type 2

Puis remplissez les en pensant que ceci remplira la parti supérieur du journal (Imaginons que le village ou la ville s'apelle Erana):
// News Paper Type 1
{1}{Le quotidien d'Erana}
{2}{Prix deux pièces}
{3}{La meilleur source d'information d'Erana}

// News Paper Type 2
{4}{Hier et avant}
{5}{Nouvelles d'Erana}

Voilà, votre jounal est prêt, posez le à l'endroit désiré dans le modules, ouvrez le et la la case <<Start line>>, écrivez 5000. Puis allez dans mes/gamedesc et écrivez le nom (Ex: Le quotidien d'Erana).

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 4:36 pm
by Supernounours
Merci, je n'avais pas réussi à écrire un journal exactement comme je le voulais.
Je réessayerai avec ton tutorial. :)

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 6:19 pm
by NatakuSq
De rien et n'oublie pas le sondage ;)

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 3:33 pm
by Gorka
désolé de remonter le topic, mais j'ai une question qui a un lien :
peut-on faire la même chose que ce que tu fais dans un journal,
avec un télégramme, ou un message manuscrit ?

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 5:39 pm
by NatakuSq
pour les "messages manuscrits", tu parles surement des notes. En fait, c'est beaucoup plus simple pour ça ! Tu crée une ligne avec deux crochets : {1000}{Au secours, help me, je me suis paumé chez tatie Eugette ! N10 W56} Et tu attaches le numéro 1000 à start line. Pour les télégrammes, le mieux ce serait que tu regardes dans Arcanum décompréssé. Je peux le faire et tout vous dire demain (mercredi). :) Attention, pour les livres, il faut comme pour le journal précisé l'écriture et "l" pour left ou "c" comme center. J'espère que tu aimes l'anglais :lol: !

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 6:47 pm
by Gorka
En fait, je crois qu'il y a un chapitre la dessus dans le tutorial du site multani... je vais lire ça, pour vérifier.
Je vous dois donc des excuses :oops: j'aurais dû regarder avant... euh... Pas taper ? :D

EDIT.: en fait, le tutorial explique comment écrire un livre, mais pas un télégramme...
Bon, je suppose que ça se ressemble plus ou moins, mais si quelqu'un peut m'apprendre comment on fait "exactement" pour créer un nouveau télégramme, ça m'arrangerait quand même..:
J'en aurais besoin pour une des quêtes...

Pour le journal : c'est cool, je pense que j'en mettrais un aussi...

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 5:37 pm
by NatakuSq
INFO SUPLEMENTAIRE : pour des journeaux d'articles secondaires différents, il faut les mettre à la suite de l'article principal de CE journal dans les lignes 5000 et quelques ! Alors, merci qui ? :p ;)

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 10:33 pm
by Gorka
Eslodmonaë, archidruide wrote: Alors, merci qui ? :p ;)
Malgré la tentation, je ne ferais pas de blague stupide. Pas cette fois-ci.
Merci, Eslodmonaë..! :p

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 6:29 pm
by NatakuSq
Eslodmonaë, archidruide wrote:Pour les télégrammes, le mieux ce serait que tu regardes dans Arcanum décompréssé. Je peux le faire et tout vous dire demain (mercredi). :)
Oauis en fait ca m'est complètement sorti de la tête... Bref, il faut traduire les ligne 1000 à 1009 pour écrire ce que tu veux puis tu commences le télégrame à 1020. C'est tout simple mais j'ai pas encore testé ! :deal: :D

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 5:44 pm
by NatakuSq
Pour introduire l'image de la tombe rlfuique il faut mettre à l'emplacement désiré : {5002}{744c 6}
Et là elle sera juste après le gros titre...
Sinon on peut faire des "fillers articles" (articles qui viennent après le principal) différents pour chaque journal pour ça il faut :
{5000}{Gros titre}
{5001}{Article principale}
{5002}{Titre de l'article secondaire ex: _ MORT DE MIRZA _}
{5003}{Développement : Mirza is dead yesterday................}
{5004}{Nouvel article secondaire}
{5006}{Nouvel article secondaire}
{5008}{Nouvel article secondaire}



Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 9:58 pm
by Tebach
Dsl de remonter le sujet, mais ne pourrait on pas mettre ce tuto en "note" histoire de le retrouver facilement ?

Même question pour tous les autres tuto en fait... mais je vais poser la question à chaque tuto hein ?